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Useful Links

Baby Buddy


  • Baby Buddy is a free mobile phone app for young parents and parents-to-be. The app includes lots of short films to support parents who are learning all about how to take care of themselves during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby. The films tell the stories of Mum’s who are learning about parenthood, as they go to doctors appointments, antenatal classes, decide what sort of birth to have, and how to feed, bathe, understand and care for their baby.

Motherly Love


  • Motherly Love encourages natural births without intervention by using aromatherapy and massage.  Skincare for pregnancy and beyond.

  • Motherly Love founder Jan worked extensively as a nurse, midwife, and anaesthetist.  Jan’s personal experience in improving the birth experience. Her 20+ year experience working in extreme circumstances in Africa with limited support or resources meant Jan understood the importance of returning to traditional midwifery practice, and encouraging natural births without intervention by using aromatherapy and massage.

  • In 2004 Jan pursued the scientific evidence to back her understanding of good practice by earning a BSc and publishing academic papers on the value of aromatherpy and massage in antenatal anxiety.

  • She realised that many modern families would like a traditional way of relieving some of the stresses of pregnancy and modern living.

  • Over time Jan found herself blending oils for her pregnant daughter and daughter-in-law, and then preparing blends for the new-born babies as well. 

  • Motherlylove products are registered in the EU. All the oils are backed by science and Jan’s own published and peer reviewed research, and she personally manages the product development.

  • Motherly Love offers a range of massage oil blends to help women and children through all stages of life. 

  • All products are made in the UK. They use local companies close to our home in East Anglia for printing, packaging and manufacturing of products. 

Birthing 4 Blokes


  • Mark Harris is a birth guru! With 20+ years                     of experience as a father and midwife there               isn't much he doesn't know or understand               about helping you be ready for 'her' birth.

  • Want to be well-prepared, or simply have questions and worries about your role in all this?  B4B supports you to be the very best that you can be on the day she gives birth.

  • Everything you need to know when your partner is pregnant: a complete resource for fathers and partners.

  • Things you will gain from Birthing 4 Blokes resources:

    • Insight into how human beings have evolved to give birth well, increases your confidence, gives direction to the support you can offer her, and enhances your ability to be resilient if the birth does not go as expected.

    • Being prepared, increases your ability to proactively create the deep connection to her you that she will need to birth your baby.  It will also produce a deepening in your relationship. Leading to a strong foundation being built for your emerging family.

    • Understanding how to help her manage various stages of the birthing process will increase the amount of time you spend out of the hospital and may reduce the length of her birth.

Medication and Breast Feeding Advice
  • This resource passionately supports the right that babies have to receive breastmilk and that even if their mothers require medication, this is rarely a barrier.

  •  The website is designed to provide information and support for mothers and healthcare professionals struggling to balance the benefits of breastfeeding with the perceived risk of exposing the baby to medication through his/her mother’s breastmilk.

  • The information provided by the author is based upon many years experience gained as a pharmacist and from running the BfN national Drugs in Breastmilk Help-line.

The Wonder Weeks


  • Parents can gain an understanding of their baby’s developmental leaps to help them through confusing times in their new lives. The Wonder Weeks aims to help parents to better understand the way their baby is thinking and why he acts as he does at certain times. Parents will be able to choose the right kind of help to give him when he needs it and the right kind of environment to help him make the most of every leap in his development and encourage him as he takes on the momentous task of growing into a toddler.


Buggy Bootcamp


  • Fitness programmes for mums with their babies and toddlers.


NHS Choices: Pregnancy and baby


  • Your pregnancy and baby guide.


Best Beginnings


  • Best Beginnings is a charity dedicated to ending child health inequalities in the UK.

  • Best Beginnings create dynamic, evidence-based resources, interventions and events for children, families and healthcare professionals, with a particular focus on engaging communities and groups experiencing the worst inequalities.

  • Lots of resources and help during pregnancy and getting to know your baby and enjoying your time together.

  • Best Beginnings is addressing the challenge of reducing child health inequalities and infant mortality in three main ways. They:

    • develop pioneering interventions and resources for families and healthcare professionals, to ensure parents have the information and support needed to make choices that will improve their children’s health and avoid preventable illnesses and death;

    • promote equal access to health services for families with babies so that people who have difficulty accessing these services are enabled to do so;

    • advance the education of both the public and professionals who have contact with young people and families, about health issues affecting mothers and children.

Birth Rights


  • The UK’s only organisation dedicated to improving women’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth by promoting respect for human rights.

  • They believe that all women are entitled to respectful maternity care that protects their fundamental rights to dignity, autonomy, privacy and equality.

  • Birth Rights have sets of factsheets, and have partnered with Mumsnet, to answer most frequently asked questions about rights relating to your pregnancy and birth. â€‹
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