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Bump To Baby™ Course


Preparing you for the journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic

education. This course aims to support you through the final chapter of your pregnancy and the

birth journey™.



The course is ideal if you want to focus your perinatal preparation solely on learning about your

body and baby during the birth.  This course aims to support you through late pregnancy and the

birth journey from bump to baby.  


This course takes key elements from our signature course (Bump To Baby And Beyond) and teaches

birth physiology, birth choices, exercises for encouraging baby into optimum position for birth,

techniques to support labour focusing on the present moment (not thinking too far ahead), preparing

for and accepting the options in front of you at different points, and finding self-confidence to accept

and manage the changing situation you are in.


This course will help demystify the process and options, build confidence to make your own way on

the journey ahead and make choices that are right for your family.​  We aim to ensure both parents

learn all the essentials for the big day- preparing women for the sensations of birth and to have

confidence in trusting their body, breathing and moving for birth, creating a positive birthing

environment & positioning; while preparing dads/partners for their role as a truly valuable connected 

confident birth partner, learning practical skills to overcome challenges.


We conclude with a post birth reunion session which gives us all the opportunity to get together again, share experiences and valuable post-natal chatter.....oh and some much needed cake!


Course includes handy reminder sheets to take away each week, and unlimited contact with our teachers through to when your baby is born.  This course also includes an expert led pregnancy yoga and mindfulness session to promote health, connection with your baby and relaxation, and mini beauty treatment.  These little extras are totally unique to Neo Perinatal, dedicated to making your birth journey special, and all included in the price.


It is recommended that you aim to complete the course about 3 weeks before your baby is due.


Course duration: 4 weeks (3.5hr session per week)


Course Overview

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