Preparing you for bump becoming baby and beyond
Available classes
Our ethos is to facilitate a positive birth experience and lasting friendships, and prepare you for the journeys ahead through expert, practical, realistic education in a supportive, friendly, non-judgemental environment.
Everyone and every family is unique. We will never teach you one method or one solution and claim it to be ‘right’ or ‘better’. Neo aims to empower parents through informed choice to engender confidence to make their own way on the journeys ahead.
Lasting friendships and practical sensitive advice
Bump to baby and beyond™
Bump to baby™
Babe in arms™
Fathers 2B™
One off workshops
Working lunch courses
Private classes
Rebozo (for pregnancy, birth and after)
Baby massage (coming soon)
Baby first aid (coming soon)
So you are expecting a baby - congratulations!
Welcome to Neo and we hope, the start of your journey with us to help you feel confident
about your family growing.
You might have arrived here through curiosity, or someone has told you about us, you might be feeling
excited, itching for this new adveture to begin, or you might feel a bit worried, unsure, vulnerable and like
many soon to be parents you might not be able to see the wood for the trees with all the well meant conflicting
advice you are being given, not to mention fed up of the horror stories! Why do people think they will help in any way?!!
Whatever your reason for finding us, we are glad you have!
Pregnancy and birth is the most normal, natural and amazing journey. Women's bodies have evolved to be perfectly designed to grow that little seed into a healthy baby, to nourish and nurture that little piece of magic through pregnancy and beyond. That's something we at Neo
are so passionate about.
Pregnancy and bringing a child into the world presents a time of real change both emotionally and physically for parents, and also presents an opportunity for mothers fathers, partners and wider family and friends to form lifelong bonds with a baby.
The support that parents-to-be receive before they meet their baby can dramatically impact their confidence in pregnancy, their ability to have a positive birth experience and equally affect their confidence in their ability to have a healthy baby and be a successful parents.
A good support system, healthy lifestyle, an ability to cope with stresses of life and being prepared and informed about birth and beyond promote the chances of a positive birth experience and healthy and happy baby.
Neo promotes a natural, healthy and safe approach to pregnancy, birth and early parenting. Knowing that pregnancy and childbirth is a natural event in a women's life, yet can be a huge time of change for both parents, emotionally and physically, our classes are designed to help you prepare for your baby’s arrival and becoming a parent in a positive, empowering and nurturing way.
Our offerings help parents to develop knowledge and learn skills to promote calm and confidence for a rewarding and smooth transition into parenthood or in adding to their families. We empower parents to gain confidence in their bodies, to trust their inner wisdom and make informed decisions about pregnancy, birth and early parenting to enable them to have an enjoyable journey and one that is right for them from the very beginning.
At Neo our teaching is rooted in evidenced based practices and guidance from the World Health Organisation, NHS, NICE (National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness) and UNICEF, to promote, protect and support a natural, safe and healthy birth.
Click around to see what we have to offer to help you choose the best start for you and your baby

We have made a formal pledge of support to Kickscount and Save The Children
We fully support their work.